Archives par mot-clé : URSS

Growing up in the Gulag: later accounts of deportation to the USSR

Marta Craveri & Anne-Marie Losonczy, Growing up in the Gulag: later accounts of deportation to the USSR, FMSH-WP-2014-62, february 2014.

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This article is a contribution to our understanding of a largely unexamined part of the history of the Gulag, the story of the children deported from Central and Eastern Europe before and after the Second World War. It  suggests a few starting-points for an approach to the specific experience of children in deportation, its variety and late commemoration. It examines the specific forms of the recall and narration of childhood in the Gulag and the mark of these “displaced” years in adult life, particularly via the process whereby the experience is turned into a testimony. The research is based on the corpus of oral testimony collected by the authors and others in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe for the European Memories of the Gulag project. Continuer la lecture de Growing up in the Gulag: later accounts of deportation to the USSR